What We Do

We provide services to eligible individuals in our topic areas

DRSB  is the designated protection and advocacy system in San Bernardino. We advocate for people with disabilities through several programs that use many different strategies, including individual legal advice or representation, support for self-advocacy, outreach and education, investigations, policy advocacy and impact litigation.

We work closely with people who have disabilities to advance their legal rights so they can live integrated, meaningful, self-directed lives with the supports they may need and have equality of opportunity.

2018-2022 Strategic Plan

“Advocate, educate, investigate, and litigate to advance the rights, dignity, equal opportunities, and choices for all people with disabilities.”

We are proud of the difference our work has made, and encouraged by the progress made towards a more inclusive and barrier free world. Our new mission statement is “Advocate, educate, investigate, and litigate to advance the rights, dignity, equal opportunities, and choices for all people with disabilities.” It not only defines what we do but also reminds us there is still work to be done to achieve equality and justice